
HubSpot Smart Content: What is it and Why it Matters?

Written by Boris Robles-Slyusar | 6/16/24 6:00 PM

Imagine walking into a store and being greeted by a sales associate who knows your name, your past purchases, and your preferences. They recommend products tailored to your tastes and even anticipate your needs before you voice them. This personalized experience leaves you feeling valued and understood, making you more likely to become a loyal customer.

Now imagine being able to replicate that experience online, at scale. That's the power of HubSpot Smart Content.

What is Smart Content?

In a nutshell, Smart Content is HubSpot's way of making your marketing more human. It's a feature that lets you dynamically display different versions of your website pages, landing pages, emails, and calls to action (CTAs) based on specific criteria about each visitor.

This means you can say goodbye to generic messaging and hello to tailored experiences that resonate with your audience on a deeper level.

How Does Smart Content Work Its Magic?

Think of Smart Content as a chameleon. It adapts to blend seamlessly with its surroundings, changing colors and patterns to match its environment. Similarly, Smart Content changes the content your audience sees based on their unique attributes.

Here are some examples of how you can use Smart Content:

  • Buyer Persona: Show content tailored to different segments of your audience based on their demographics, interests, or pain points.
  • Lifecycle Stage: Display different messages to leads, prospects, and customers based on where they are in the buyer's journey.
  • Device Type: Optimize your content for different devices, ensuring a smooth experience on desktop, mobile, and tablet.
  • Referral Source: Customize your content based on where visitors are coming from (e.g., social media, organic search, or email).

Why You Should Be Using Smart Content (Right Now)

  1. Boost Engagement: Relevant content is more likely to capture attention and encourage interaction.
  2. Increase Conversions: By providing a personalized experience, you're guiding your audience towards the actions you want them to take.
  3. Build Stronger Relationships: Show your audience that you understand their needs and preferences, building trust and loyalty.
  4. Maximize Your ROI: Smart Content ensures that your marketing efforts are laser-focused, delivering the right message to the right person at the right time.

Smart Content in Action: Real-World Examples

  • A B2B software company uses Smart Content to display different case studies to visitors based on their industry.
  • An e-commerce store tailors product recommendations to individual customers based on their browsing history.
  • A non-profit organization personalizes calls to action based on a donor's previous giving level.

The Bottom Line: Smart Content is a Smart Move

If you're not using Smart Content, you're missing out on a powerful tool that can transform your marketing results. It's time to start speaking directly to your customers and watch your engagement, conversions, and ROI soar.

Ready to get started? Contact OptimizeHub today by filling out the form below. We will explore how we can help you implement a smart content strategy that delivers real results.