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Terms of Service

Last Updated: 07/12/2024 (Jurisdiction changed from Washington to Arizona)


Any information shared during consultation calls, including but not limited to business strategies, marketing plans, and proprietary data, will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. OptimizeHub LLC is committed to safeguarding client information and will not disclose or share any details discussed during the consultation without explicit consent, except as required by law.

Screen Sharing and Access Permissions:
During consultation calls, clients may opt to share their screens to facilitate discussion or demonstrate specific issues. By consenting to the terms of service, clients agree to allow OptimizeHub LLC to remotely access and interact with their screens as necessary to provide guidance and assistance. Clients may also be required to provide access permissions to their HubSpot account, which may include admin access, read-only access, or access to specific features/modules, to enable an OptimizeHub LLC consultant to effectively address their inquiries and provide tailored recommendations.

All access permissions granted will be used solely for the purpose of a consultation session and will not be retained or utilized beyond the agreed-upon timeframe without explicit consent. OptimizeHub LLC prioritizes the security and confidentiality of your data and have implemented measures to safeguard your privacy during screen sharing and access permissions. However, clients are responsible for ensuring the security of their own systems and data during consultation calls.

Limitation of Liability:
OptimizeHub LLC shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or related to consultation services.

Governing Law:
These terms of service shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State
of Arizona. Any disputes arising out of or related to these terms shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of Maricopa County, Arizona. In the event of any dispute arising from or relating to the consultation services provided by OptimizeHub LLC, both parties agree to first attempt to resolve the matter amicably through good-faith negotiations.

Professional Conduct:
Both parties agree to conduct themselves in a professional manner during the consultation call, maintaining respect and courtesy at all times.

Intellectual Property Rights:
Any materials, documents, or advice provided during consultation calls are for the client's personal use only and may not be reproduced, distributed, or shared without prior consent from OptimizeHub LLC. Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or sharing of materials is prohibited.

Recording of Consultation Calls:
Unless explicitly agreed upon in writing between the client and OptimizeHub LLC, the recording of consultation calls is strictly prohibited.Clients are not permitted to record any portion of the consultation call, including audio, video, or screen captures, without prior consent. OptimizeHub LLC reserves the right to take appropriate action in the event of unauthorized recording, including termination of the consultation call without refund and potential legal recourse for breach of confidentiality.

Privacy and Marketing Emails:
By submitting forms or reaching out to OptimizeHub, you agree to receive communications about our services by default. However, contacts always have the option to unsubscribe from marketing emails at any time. We respect your privacy and are committed to ensuring that your information is handled securely and used only for the purposes outlined in our privacy policy.

The advice provided during a consultation call is founded on Boris' professional expertise and extensive experience in the field. While these insights are intended to offer valuable guidance, it's important to clarify that they do not constitute legal or financial advice. Clients should seek the counsel of qualified professionals for matters requiring specialized legal or financial expertise. OptimizeHub LLC is committed to providing informed recommendations tailored to your digital strategy needs, but ultimate decisions should be made in consultation with appropriate professionals for specific legal or financial considerations.

Modification of Terms:
OptimizeHub LLC reserves the right to modify or update these terms of service at any time without prior notice.



One-Time Consultation

Consultation Details:
The consultation call with Boris Robles-Slyusar is a dedicated one-time session lasting (1) one hour,
tailored to address your specific business needs. Prior to the call, clients are encouraged to provide an agenda outlining topics or questions they wish to discuss, ensuring a focused and productive discussion that maximizes the value of the session. Additionally, clients should be technically equipped to share their screens and grant remote access if needed, facilitating efficient problem-solving during the consultation.

Follow-Up Email:
If an immediate answer cannot be provided during the consultation call,
Boris will send a follow-up email within 48 hours to address any outstanding questions or concerns.

Additional Consultations:
Any further discussions or elaborations beyond the initial formula of "consultation call (1 hour) + first follow-up email + clarifying question(s) + last follow-up email" require scheduling an additional consultation call.

All consultation fees are non-refundable,
regardless of the outcome of the call.

Cancelation Policy:
Once a consultation call is scheduled and the fee is paid,
it is non-refundable. Clients may reschedule the call at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled time without losing the fee, or they need to attend the call at the scheduled time. However, failure to reschedule within this timeframe will result in forfeiture of the consultation fee.Additionally, if a call is scheduled within 24 hours, it cannot be rescheduled; clients will have to schedule a new consultation and pay the fee again if they are unable to attend the call.

Scope of Services:
The scope of the consultation call is limited to the topics and questions provided by the client.
OptimizeHub LLC reserves the right to decline discussing topics outside the agreed-upon scope.

Client Responsibilities:
The client is responsible for providing accurate and complete information relevant to the consultation topics.
Failure to do so may affect the quality and effectiveness of the consultation.

Client Agenda Submission:
If the client fails to provide an agenda or topic list at least one day prior to the scheduled consultation call,
OptimizeHub LLC reserves the right to proceed with the call based on the information available at the time.

Late Arrival Policy:
Clients are expected to join the consultation call promptly at the scheduled time.
In the event of a delay exceeding 10 minutes without prior notification, the appointment may be considered missed, and the consultation fee will be entirely forfeited. OptimizeHub LLC may, at its discretion, require the client to reschedule the consultation call. It is the client's responsibility to ensure timely attendance to avoid any inconvenience or loss of consultation time.



CustomCare Plan

Consultation Details:
The CustomCare Plan offers flexible consulting services tailored to your specific business needs.
Clients can choose and pay only for the services they require, ensuring cost-effectiveness and personalized support. Prior to the consultation, clients are encouraged to outline their requirements and goals to maximize the value of the session.

Service Commencement:
Services within the CustomCare Plan commence immediately upon receipt of payment.
This ensures prompt initiation and timely delivery of tailored solutions to address client needs effectively.

Service Completion Timeframe:
Tasks outlined in the CustomCare Plan may vary in complexity and duration,
ranging from one day to up to one month for completion. This timeframe allows for thorough analysis, strategic planning, and implementation to achieve desired outcomes effectively.

Follow-Up Communication:
Clients can expect regular communication and updates throughout the duration of the CustomCare Plan.
OptimizeHub LLC will provide ongoing support, guidance, and progress reports to ensure transparency and accountability in meeting client objectives.

CustomCare Plan fees are non-refundable once services have been initiated or completed.
Clients are responsible for accurately assessing their needs and selecting appropriate services before committing to the plan.

Cancelation Policy:
Cancellation of specific services within the CustomCare Plan may be accommodated based on individual circumstances.
However, once services have commenced, refunds will not be provided. Clients are encouraged to communicate any changes or adjustments to their service requirements in a timely manner to optimize the effectiveness of the plan.

Scope of Services:
The scope of the CustomCare Plan is determined by the services selected by the client.
OptimizeHub LLC reserves the right to decline requests that fall outside the agreed-upon scope or require additional resources beyond the plan's parameters.

Client Responsibilities:
Clients are responsible for providing accurate information and articulating their business needs clearly when selecting services for the CustomCare Plan.
This ensures alignment between client expectations and the services provided under the plan.

Completion of Tasks:
The completion timeframe for tasks outlined in the CustomCare Plan may vary depending on the complexity and scope of the project.
OptimizeHub LLC will work diligently to deliver high-quality results within the agreed-upon timeframe, ensuring client satisfaction and success in achieving their business goals.



StrategySync Subscription

Subscription Details:
The StrategySync Subscription offers a monthly plan consisting of (4) four consultation calls,
providing ongoing support and strategic guidance for your business. Clients benefit from regular interactions to address immediate concerns, refine strategies, and adapt to evolving challenges.

Onboarding Call:
The first call within the StrategySync Subscription serves as an onboarding session.
During this call,OptimizeHub LLC conducts a comprehensive discussion to understand the client's business, identify key challenges, and outline strategic objectives. Together, the client and OptimizeHub LLC will set the schedule for the remaining three calls based on mutual availability.

Payment Terms:
Payment for the StrategySync Subscription covers one monthly period and is non-refundable,
regardless of the client's utilization of all four calls. Clients are encouraged to make informed decisions about their subscription commitment, considering their business needs and the value derived from the subscription.

Cancelation Policy:
Clients can opt to cancel their subscription at any time.
However, refunds for the current monthly period will not be provided. Clients are responsible for managing their subscription commitment based on their evolving needs and business priorities.

Schedule Adjustment:
Clients may request schedule adjustments for the remaining calls within a subscribed month based on availability.
OptimizeHub LLC will make reasonable efforts to accommodate these adjustments, ensuring flexibility and convenience for the client.

Scope of Services:
The scope of the StrategySync Subscription is focused on strategic discussions and guidance.
Each call addresses specific business challenges, refines strategies, and adapts to evolving circumstances. OptimizeHub LLC reserves the right to decline requests that fall outside the agreed-upon scope or require additional resources beyond the subscription's parameters.

Client Responsibilities:
Clients are responsible for actively participating in the onboarding call,
clearly articulating their business challenges and objectives. Additionally, clients should schedule and utilize the remaining three calls within the subscribed month to maximize the value of the StrategySync Subscription.

Completion of Tasks:
The completion of tasks and achievement of strategic objectives discussed during the StrategySync Subscription calls may extend beyond the individual calls.
OptimizeHub LLC will work collaboratively with clients to ensure continuity and success in implementing strategies and addressing business challenges over time.Further collaboration and communication outside of scheduled calls will primarily occur via email, facilitating ongoing support and progress tracking between consultations.